Saturday, September 11, 2010

Discovery: The background story

Recently, I was introduced to an excellent Cat Stevens song...and it goes a little something like this:

Well, if you want to sing out, sing out
And if you want to be free, be free
'cause there's a million things to be
You know that there are

And if you want to live high, live high
And if you want to live low, live low
'cause there's a million ways to go
You know that there are

You can do what you want
The opportunity's on
And if you can find a new way
You can do it today
You can make it all true
And you can make it undo
You see ah ah ah
Is easy ah ah ah
You only need to know

Well if you want to say yes, say yes
And if you want to say no, say no
'cause there's a million ways to go
You know that there are

And if you want to be me, be me
And if you want to be you, be you
'cause there's a million things to do
You know that there are

Well, if you want to sing out, sing out
And if you want to be free, be free
'cause there's a million things to be
You know that there are

And for your listening pleasures:

As I am preparing to embark on, what will certainly be, a transformative journey through India, Thailand & other parts of southeast Asia...this song speaks exactly to the reason that I am taking this trip.

Rewind back to December 2009, if you will: Picture me in a peaceful yoga studio down in Austin, TX at a place called the Amala Foundation for my routine Sunday morning "Women's Movement Mediation" (that's hour & a half of complete nonverbal expression AKA DANCING!!! with a group of truly inspiring and beautiful women), when the leader, Elissa, asked us to close the last session of 2009 by forming a circle. She instructed the group to meditate on an intention, just one word, for the upcoming new year. As the other women shared meaningful words like: "joy," peace," "happiness," and "love"...when my turn came heart genuinely spoke the word: "DISCOVERY"...and that is really how this whole thing got started.

So as I ushered in 2010...the first chapter of my year of DISCOVERY began with preparations for my final field placement through the UT School of Social Work: I was heading to South Africa to intern at an orphanage (Botshabelo) for children, birth to young adulthood, who have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS or economic hardships. After spending an entire semester (mid-January to mid-May) working, living, and traveling in South Africa...well, there are really no words to describe just how incredible of an opportunity that truly was. The other intern, Ayla, & I like to say this about our experience at Botshabelo: "Pick an adjective. That's what it was." From joy and gratitude, to heartache and injustice...the emotions I felt covered the spectrum. The discovery attained, not only about working with victims of trauma & oppression, of the South African culture & history, or my role as a social worker; but the discovery also expressed itself through a deep & internal uncovering of my own past, my own story, my own healing.... I guess you could kind of say it was like an existential crisis meets 10 years of therapy mixed in with LOTS of beautifully amazing children... If you want to read more about my time in South Africa, or to see some pictures. Check out my blog that I kept:

After such an incredible experience, I won't lie...I got the travel bug...BAD! Adjusting back to American life after my time in South Africa turned out to be one of the toughest things I have ever done. In fact, during a span of about 3 1/2 weeks this June/July, I pretty much cried everyday. After being away from the States for such a long time, you honestly forget just how fast-paced, career-driven, money-focused, and isolated our culture is...and, was WAAAAYYYY harder coming back to that than it was going over to South Africa where we didn't even have a door on our bathroom!! So at graduation from the Masters of Social Work program at UT...when everyone bombarded me with: "What are going to do now?" "Where are you going to work?" "Do you have a job yet? "What kind of work do you want to do?" My response? "...uhhh, travel?"

It makes sense: When I left Austin for South Africa, I packed up my belongings and currently, still have them stored at my cousin's house (SHOUT OUT TO COUSIN SARAH---YOU'RE THE BEST!) I don't have a house, I don't have a job (ok, don't knock JCC Summer Camp Inclusion Counselor, when I worked one-on-one with a kiddo with DEFINITELY counted for a job this summer. I probably worked harder than a lot of you. I mean seriously, did you ever have a client yell at you to wipe their butt? Plus, honestly, how many times did you check your facebook during work hours today? :)). But basically, I don't have anything at the present moment tying me anywhere or to why not? As Cat says...If you want to sing out, sing'm following my passion. I'm going to travel.

So the next chapter of my year of DISCOVERY includes an Indian adventure before heading over to Thailand and then exploring other parts of southeast Asia (including, but not limited to: Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia)...and we might throw in a little Belgium for good measure (shout out to Aunt Paula & Cousin Noah!).

Why India? Well....why not?!?!?

If you know me then you'd know that over the last 5 years, I have been on a complete and total life-transformation path. The Ilene of 2010 is much calmer, more spiritually connected, more insightful, greener, and yes, even braver...than ever before. Which is amazing. I am grateful for the opportunity to constantly grow and reevaluate where I am in the present moment and the intentions that I set for the future. This progression is in large part due to the healing and empowering effects of YOGA (which literally means, a "union" or a "joining" of yourself to yourself). And what better place to practice yoga than in it's birthplace: India. Plus, if you've ever read the book, "Eat Pray Love"...pretty much after I read the India part where she woke up every day at 5:30 am to meditate and practice yoga at an ashram, I said to myself, "Hell yea, I'm going to do that one day." And lo and behold, I'm actually gonna do it.

The first month there, I will be traveling with a friend of mine from Austin (who had originally planned a trip to India while I was still in South Africa. When I saw that he booked a ticket on facebook, I immediately clicked the "Like" button and commented: "What?!? India?? Excuse me, we have to talk about this when I get back to Austin!"). Sure enough, I booked a ticket and the planning began. We have a rough itinerary set for our month of travel together...hitting up the Taj Mahal, burning Ghats, Ganges, Mumbai, and of course, the beaches of Goa. And don't worry, we are FOR SURE going to audition to be in a Bollywood film! :)

Then the next two and a half months I will be traveling solo; where the beginning of vipassana mediation will begin. While I don't have anything booked, I do have tons of recommendations and suggestions from friends and friends of friends (THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO GAVE THEIR GUIDANCE & HELP)...I am leaving myself open to the process, but have been in contact with a few ashrams that I am interested in visiting. Plus, I'm going to try to be at a retreat with the DALAI LAMA on my birthday. WHAT?!?! Yeah...Dalai Lama on my birthday.

And then?.....Well, somehow my 2 month trip to India extended itself to a 6 month adventure when I found out that some people that I worked with at the orphanage in South Africa will be volunteering in Thailand at the end of December-mid January...and I figured, well, I'm already over there, I might as well meet them! We will be volunteering for two weeks at an elephant sanctuary and teaching English to children in a Thai village. SO freaking excited. Check out the Power of One Program through Blue Star of Hope (based out of Colorado) Afterward, my very dear friend Kurt Hubble will be making his first international appearance, and meeting me over in Thailand for some world exploration. We plan to hit up the islands of Thailand first then make our way along the southeast Asia circuit. But don't worry Jackie and Ben, I PROMISE I'll be back home in the good ole US of A in time for your wedding!

I invite you all to (and would be so humbled if you) join me in following my passion for traveling, learning, growing, yoga, meditation, cross-cultural exchange, all things southeast Asian, and most important, DISCOVERY. I will try to update as often as possible at various internet cafes throughout my adventure. All-in-all, I hope this experience will help to inspire YOU to follow YOUR passions whatever they may be for you...because, as Cat says, if you want to sing out, sing out!

In the name of DISCOVERY,


  1. Namaste Ilene! I am so envious of your travels and your discovery. I can't wait to be apart of it through your blogging. Have fun!

  2. Irene, What you're doing is great! I just got back from traveling 2 months in Israel, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. It was pretty life changing. If you have any questions please ask. I was traveling solo except for 2 weeks in Israel. Let me know!

  3. Ilene, get this book - Discovery of India - by "Jawaharlal Nehru", the first prime minister of India.

  4. hey ilene... i am already responding to your blog before you even leave!! that has to be a good omen that i will keep up with you...
    love and mmmmbaaaaaaaaaaas! ayla
    (ps- somehow my google username is "ayla and ilene"... and you know i am too lazy to figure out why or change it. we are forever joined thru google.)

  5. Sing out, be free. Explore and cheers to DISCOVERY!! I teared up reading your account of that morning and its meaning for you. Countless more moments like that to come. Can't wait to (electronically) join you, dear spirit. Be safe, be well, and be in this world!!! xo, britt
